Fyyne is a 2-sided marketplace that bridges the relationship gap between freelance hair artists and customers by combining an inspiration social feed, service search engine, and booking all in one place.

I joined as the first designer, developing a design system and leading the design team to shape the initial end-to-end user experience. Fyyne was recently acquired by Nigeria-based company Bumpa.
2020 - 2022
UI/UX, Strategy, Leadership
Mobile iOS and Android

Fyyne for Artists:Full service management tool for freelancers.

When I first started working with Jeff,  the founder of Fyyne, we wanted to created a platform for independent hair artists to easily manage their bookings and monitor the growth of their businesses.

As freelancers, a lot of time is spent on communicating with clients, strategizing to promote their businesses, and tracking their revenue. While there are many tools that help artists to do all these things separately, they have to jump between different platforms just to manage their work.

Fyyne Pro is an all-in-one platform that allows freelance artists to showcase their work via a digital portfolio, have control over their bookings, and keep track of their earnings.

Live site and app
Download on the App StoreGet it on Google Play

What’s wrong with the current workflow?

To get a better understanding of independent artists’ workflow, we conducted 3 interviews to learn about their day-to-day tasks and pain points related to maintaining their businesses.

What freelance artists think...

“Managing bookings always take so much time.”
There’s constant back and forth of Google Calendar, Booksy, Squire, Instagram DMs, and phone calls, making it difficult to keep track of where everything is.
“I always calculate how much I made that week.”
Understanding their revenue streams give artists insights into their how their businesses are doing.
“No-shows suck...”
They need to set up deposits, and manually send reminders to clients to avoid no-shows.

How might we boost freelance artists’ motivation and give them more control over running their businesses?

After analyzing and contextualizing the pain points, the team defined some goals to help us develop a plan of action and ideation.

Pain point 1: Tedious to go through several apps and softwares to communicate with customers. Context switching also adds to cognitive load. Translates to Goal: Streamline the booking and communication process for artists. Pain point 2: It's hard to see and gain insights into their business, such as revenue and engagement with customers. Translates to goal: Provide artists with easily comprehensible analytics of their business performance. Pain point 3: Relying on other platforms like Instagram for marketing, promotions, and announcements. Translates to goal: Allowing artists to create their own portfolios to showcase their work and promote their business.

Let’s see what we’re working with.

Before I joined Fyyne, the team had already developed a working demo. After doing research and understanding the users, I took this opportunity to familiarize myself with the existing product and analyze the UX, to identify areas of improvement.

Phone showing old scheduling UI, with caption that reads: While this gets the job done, is it improving the efficiency in artists' workflow? Are there opportunities to show status of upcoming bookings, allowing users to understand their schedule at a glance?
Phone showing old profile design, with caption that read: To attract clients, the artist profile should be more visually appealing and shows of the artists' work. What do clients care about the most and want to see first on artists' profile?
Phone showing old dashboard design, with captions that read: Does this data visualization make sense to artists? Is pie chart the appropriate form? Will they nee additional info other than income of this month and jobs about their revenue? Scheduling is one of artists' top needs, but this is all the way at the bottom. How can we provide a way to allow users to access this easily and quickly?
Phone showing availability design with caption that reads: The availability setting page is overly crowded and not direct enough, it's hard to tell how users should complete a task. The colours are also misleading as the red makes the whole page look like an error. Besides that, the green-red combination compromises accessibility guidelines as colourblind users might have a hard time reading.

Rapid iterating.

At this point of the process, we hadn’t defined our brand visuals yet as we wanted to focus on the UX, which explains the inconsistent design language and screen sizes in these iterations.

Working in a fast-paced startup environment, we were constantly getting feedback from users to inform our quick iterations. We began with some mid-fidelity wireframes to visualize some of our ideas and later progressed to high-fidelity designs as we heard back from users and solidified the visual.


We first brainstormed and made assumptions about what information would artists care about the most.

We started with a focus on revenue and recent activity. After getting feedback from users, we learned that they care most about seeing trends in their earnings and engagement with customers, followed by top requested services.

Customer management

To help artists neatly organize their customers, we wanted to focus on customer management as one of the main user goals. However, we realized that this gets hard to keep track of as the list of customer profiles grow.

After getting feedback and multiple iterations, we got rid of customer profiles, and shifted the goal to booking management and communication with customers via messages.


As we shift focus from managing individual customer, we switched to an activity based notification feed, showing booking requests and details, and profile activity such as likes from customers.

Solution: A one-stop-shop for hair artists to manage their businesses.
Booking management

Simplify bookings - no more back and forth with customers, seeing all upcoming bookings at a glance.

Payment and analytics

Business growth - keeping track of revenue and performance.

Artist portfolio

Work showcase - allowing artists to maintain a digital portfolio and engage with customers.

Fyyne for clients:Match and book with the best artists.

Fyyne is a two-sided platform, besides the artist facing product, the team also worked on solving for those who would want to look for independent artists and services in their area.

Currently, people would browse and find inspiration on social media platforms like Instagram, and make a booking through direct messages or a third-party site like Squire. While this works, it creates a lot of logistical issues for both the customer and the artist as it takes users to different apps just to manage their appointments.

As we worked on the artist-facing side of Fyyne first, we carried that over to craft an experience for customers to find inspiration, discover artists, and book their services.

Live site and app
Download on the App StoreGet it on Google Play

Drawing inspiration from other products.

Since Fyyne is customer-facing and very reliant on appealing visuals and imagery while they browse, we decided to study some of the existing products that are also very image-focused, such as Pinterest and Instagram.


Pinterest board UI
Pinterest board options UI
Board options
Pinterest pins UI


Instagram saved posts UI
Saved posts
Instagram saved collections UI
Saved collections
Instagram adding new collection UI
Adding new collection

A different set of goals.

As we’re creating the customer-end of the product, we had to redefine the user goals. One constraint we had here was that we didn’t have immediate access to the right users for interviews and testing, so we did have to make assumptions and iterate as we implemented and got feedback from the App Store.

Goal 1: Easy browsing and staying up to date with latest trends. Preferably in a format customers are familiar with. Goal 2: Discovering artists and their services, and booking right on the spot, without switching platforms. Goals 3: Meet others in the community, learn more tips, and get inspired by like-minded people
Solution: A one-stop-shop for hair artists to manage their businesses.
Feed and posts

Discovering beauty services near you - browse on a visually-focused feed to stay up to date with trends, and see details of available services.


Book and pay right there, as soon as you find a style or service you’re interested in - no need to switch to another payment app.

Community tab

Dive into a community of people who share the same interests as you. Whether it’s hair care, or getting an opinion on your next cut, you can connect with others and hear their insights.

Reflection and results...

It was an amazing learning opportunity for me to join Fyyne as the first designer, building the experience from ground up in a fast-paced startup environment where the requirement is ever-changing. I had to make a lot of quick decisions, even if that means skipping over certain steps in the design process, just to get the product out to the hands of the users and get their feedback.

In addition to building out the user experience of the apps, I also established a foundation for the design team and created a structured process for developers and designers to work together, allowing new members of the team to quickly get up to speed.

After 2 years of working on Fyyne, it was recently acquired by Nigeria-based company Bumpa.

Previous: Capital One